What about American exceptionalism
One of the outstanding myths in the American mythology is American exceptionalism. American exceptionalism is the idea that puts Americans above all giving them the right to think decide and take action instead of others. In other words, the peculiarity of the creation of America, led to creation of a notion that gives America the priority over other countries in nearly every field. To what extent non-Americans believe it to be true, I don’t know but it has strong rot in the American identity itself. When we look at the historical root for this idea we sometimes come up with a confusion that is: was the advance in technology, industry and science what gave rise to American exceptionalism or just the other way, American exceptionalism motivated America into big technological and scientific advances?
If we observe the information history gives us we understand that the notion of American exceptionalism was created long before America’s turning into a big power. In 1782, Crevecoeur, a French New Yorker in his book “Letters from an American writer” describes America as a truly exceptional place. And in1835, Alexis de Tocqueville, another French man stresses upon the idea in his book “Democracy in America”. Later it was John O’Sullivan who spoke of the concept of “manifest destiny” which was rooted in American exceptionalism, giving America the responsibility to spread democracy to the world. May be it was from his suggestions that Americans really felt exceptional. They exercised their belief in this idea in many fields, the most important of which in their relations with other countries. The first encounters they had were with Indians whom they thought of as inferior and barbaric. Although at first it was decided to make Indians similar to Americans, in every ways of life, then it was said that they couldn’t apply American lifestyle so they should be pushed away. The whole expansion of American territory beyond the Mississippi river was in a way an emphasis on the superiority of the Americans. Then when the blacks entered into America as slaves the way they were treated also suggested their inferiority to the Americans. Annexation of Texas, Florida and California was based on the feeling of responsibility to liberate and democratize in some ways.
But we can’t say that only it was American exceptionalism that caused advances. The advances also influenced the idea. When America began to becoming known to the rest of the world many decided to go there and test their chance. When they arrived in America they began working hard because they thought of it as a dreamland in which they can make their dreams turn into reality. And thus the hard works of the settlers cause America to advance in technology and science, imposing the idea of American exceptionalism to the rest of the world.
Having said all that, today as statistics show, people in America are not that much proud of their being Americans as their fathers and ancestors have been. The mansion of exceptionality is being shattered by the wrongdoings of the American government throughout the world, and also by the advances made by other countries. The idea of democracy, liberty and technology is no longer exclusive to the American identity.
Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady
On October 11, 1884, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born to a well established family in New York City . Her father Elliott Roosevelt was President Theodore Roosevelt's younger brother and her mother Anna Hall was a descendent of the Livingstons, a distinguished New York family
She returned to New York in 1902, when she was at age18
In 1905, when she was 20, she married her fifth cousin Franklin Roosevelt, “a suitable match for a woman of her class. But Franklin's overly-protective mother soon began to extend her control over her new daughter-in-law. "I was beginning to be an entirely dependent person," Eleanor said, "someone always to decide everything for me." Even after Eleanor had borne six children, her mother-in-law still largely dominated over her family life”. Although Eleanor Roosevelt came to symbolize the independent and politically active woman of the twentieth century, in early stages of her life she shared the Victorian femininity found in other women of her class. "I took it for granted that men were superior creatures and knew more about politics than women did, and while I realized that if my husband was a suffragist I probably must be, too, I cannot claim to have been a feminist in those early days." Even when she married Franklin Roosevelt she knew a little, if nothing, of politics, being unable to explain the difference between America's national and state governments
In 1915, President Wilson appointed Franklin under-secretary of the Navy and the Roosevelts moved to Washington. By then Eleanor was a mother of three boys and a girl; Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, 1906, James Roosevelt 1907, Elliott Roosevelt 1910, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. 1914.the other son of the family, John Aspinwall Roosevelt, was born just the next year, 1916
Woman activities, which was part of the general movement of the Progressive era aimed at purifying the corrupt world of men in the new urbanized and industrialized society. “Considering it a social duty, Eleanor joined such organizations” .To make up for the emotional failure she had suffered in her marriage, “she became closer to a group of individualistic, assertive women friends who traveled in various political and reform circles.
But what boosted her activities to the ultimate degree was her becoming the First Lady in 1933
Eleanor was speaking at a club in Washington, D.C. on April 12, 1945 when she was summoned back to the White House and realized her husband’s death
After Roosevelt's death, Mrs. Roosevelt continued public life. “She was appointed by President Truman to the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly, a position she held until 1953. She was chairman of the Human Rights Commission during the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948.
In 1953, Mrs. Roosevelt resigned from the United States Delegation to the United Nations and volunteered her services to the American Association for the United Nations. She was an American representative to the World Federation of the United Nations Associations, and later became the chairman of the Associations' Board of Directors. She was reappointed to the United States Delegation to the United Nations by President Kennedy in 1961. Kennedy also appointed her as a member of the National Advisory Committee of the Peace Corps and chairman of the President's Commission on the Status of Women. Mrs. Roosevelt received many awards for her humanitarian efforts”
overwhelming majority the Declaration of Human Rights as a standard of conduct for all; and let us, as Members of the United Nations, conscious of our own short-comings and imperfections, join
our effort in good faith to live up to this high standard."
The novice political woman who once said, "It was a wife's duty to be interested in whatever interested her husband…" had traveled a long and lonely road. She wrote in her final years that "I could not, at any age, really be contented to take my place in a warm corner by the fireside and simply look on,” This vitality lasted until November 7, 1962 when tuberculosis took her life.
(n.d.). Retrieved 2 1, 2008, from FDR Library: http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/erbio.html
Chosen Leaders and Their Researchers. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 1, 2008, from A 100 Book Project: http://web.hec.ca/leadergraphies/dropdown/eleanor.htm
Eleanor Roosevelt. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 1, 2008, from American Rhetoric: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/eleanorrooseveltdeclarationhumanrights.htm
Eleanor Roosevelt 1884-1962 . (n.d.). Retrieved 2 1, 2008, from The American Experience: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/eleanor/peopleevents/pande01.html
First Lady Biography: Eleanor Roosevelt. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 1, 2008, from First Ladies: http://www.firstladies.org/biographies/firstladies.aspx?biography=33
Goodwin, D. K. (1998, April 13). Leaders and Revolutionists:Eleanor Roosevelt. Retrieved 2 1, 2008, from The Time 100: http://www.time.com/time/time100/leaders/profile/eleanor.html
Little Known Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 1, 2008, from Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill: http://www.ervk.org/lkf.htm